93 Complete A/C system replacement - Questions for gurus

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Jul 7, 2024
Reaction score
Rockwall, TX, USA
Yepper...LOTS of things need attention on this lil gem. =P

It's basically sat for about the last 13-15 years. I'd drive it when I needed to haul a ladder...sometimes twice a week, sometimes once every 3 months. I should not have done that.

That brake thing is complicated...like every damn thing I do. I noticed that level being low too, but it's not leaking...not losing fluid. At least, I'm not losing fluid anywhere I can tell. Calipers are dry, and I have braided stainless lines that are in great shape. So the calipers have to be near maximum extension. I figured out a LONG time ago, that you don't "top off" the res unless you know you have a leak (and if you know you have a leak, and you still have a leak, you're a damned fool). Otherwise, you'll blow the top off the res when you're changing pads, and collapse the piston back into the caliper. Well, these aren't leaking. I haven't pulled the wheels yet, but looking through the wheel slots, there's still a good 1/4" of extension left between the pad backplate and the rotor, and the squealers aren't making contact. There's a chance that I got lazy and took it for an oil change sometime over the last 10 years, and they topped off the master cylinder. If I'd noticed that, I'd have drawn fluid out to approximate the levels before - I don't remember. I plan on flushing the system soon.

The other thing potentially affecting is the spindles. It's got some 2" drops that I got from a buddy - no idea the brand. He bought ext cab instead of single, so I put them on this truck. Thing is, they're apparently not case hardened. They're softer than factory, and the pads' backing plates leave marks...grooves even, on the spindle/caliper mating/sliding surface, and it causes irregular wear of the pads, inconsistent R/L engagement of the front brakes, popping, etc. So there's no telling what's up with those pads. I've already got some Wagner semi's to go back on. Just waiting for a slow moment to pull the rotors and have them prepped. Probably have to replace the spindles in the end, but I don't know what brand is solid...

Right now I'm putting a set of Bilsteins on it...but have to take it to the muffler shop before I can put the right rear on. Broke an exhaust hangar and don't want to melt the Bilstein's dust boot. :(
check the brake booster,the m/c rear seal is prolly leaking into the booster.