Noise from Bell housing

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I'm Awesome
Apr 23, 2023
Reaction score
You installed new thermostat and water pump.
The reason your expansion tank fluctuates is cooling system heats up , causing expansion, as pressure rises to set point cap bleeds off to tank. On cool down contraction returns to system.
If your new thermostat and water pump and coolant are operating more effectively you could be seeing less expansion therefore less cap bleed off to expansion tank.
The tank expansion is secondary to how is the water temperature operating , maintaining desired temperature? In normal conditions properly configured engine cooling system should not have much fluctuating tank level, except in high extremes.
So I went to the landfill today and it was packed.... left to go do some other errands and went back. Still packed. Probably 30-40 minutes of waiting in line idling.
Truck temps kept slowly climbing....reached 225* until I could get moving then it did it's thing and stayed around 200*.
Trans temp got near 190*... dropped to about 180* in the 15 minute drive after.....

Checked my reservoir and it's still at cold mark....

Something doesn't seem right. I don't remember ever having to deal with rising temps like this.... shouldn't the 195* thermostat have kept it lower?? Why am I not able to keep things cool enough? Obviously the transmission is suffering because of this lack of cooling too?..


I'm Awesome
Sep 16, 2020
Reaction score
How are you at Physical Science? Basic Physics? Thermal Dynamics? Outside air temperature, BTU's produced, Cooling system efficiency at BTU reduction.
50/50 mix is more efficient at cooling. It also raises the boiling point of coolant. Combined with closed loop pressure limited cooling system, 15 psi, effectively raises the liquid boiling to at least 255 °F. The engine oil and transmission fluid have ideal operating temperature. Yes it's warm but your not exceeding the operating limits of either fluid.
Are you stopped in park? Or drive with foot on brake? How hot was it that day? Air-conditioning running? Idle load increased operating temp.
Neutral or park, increase to 1500 rpm increased cooling.
As I said before there is limit on temp reduction. A really hot day everything is going to operate hotter.
Either get a bigger radiator, install better radiator fan, install Aux fan as the factory did, or reduce BTU heat produced.


I'm Awesome
Apr 23, 2023
Reaction score
How are you at Physical Science? Basic Physics? Thermal Dynamics? Outside air temperature, BTU's produced, Cooling system efficiency at BTU reduction.
50/50 mix is more efficient at cooling. It also raises the boiling point of coolant. Combined with closed loop pressure limited cooling system, 15 psi, effectively raises the liquid boiling to at least 255 °F. The engine oil and transmission fluid have ideal operating temperature. Yes it's warm but your not exceeding the operating limits of either fluid.
Are you stopped in park? Or drive with foot on brake? How hot was it that day? Air-conditioning running? Idle load increased operating temp.
Neutral or park, increase to 1500 rpm increased cooling.
As I said before there is limit on temp reduction. A really hot day everything is going to operate hotter.
Either get a bigger radiator, install better radiator fan, install Aux fan as the factory did, or reduce BTU heat produced.
Thanks. I was thinking it may be normal ish. Just not used to seeing it get hot like this before but couldn't tell you if I've ever been in this exact scenario . Maybe traffic jams on the interstate from an accident but even so, I can't recall the weather conditions. Yes today it was brutal hot in the area and I'm guessing the many trucks piled in didn't help with air flow...,,,kept truck in neutral or park when I was on.... thanks ...didn't know increasing rpm could help....
I don't have heat so couldn't turn that on as I remember back in the day it was a recommended thing.....

Just not used to seeing these changes I've seen since putting in the new water pump, thermostat, radiator cap and cts recently......truck running at 200* constantly instead of dropping back down , no overflow activity when it used to fill hot and go back to cold,.....
But like you say, maybe it's just running more like it should.....and it's been hot..