Lots of general questions

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Truly Awesome
Aug 20, 2015
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The point is, if you follow the minimum payment plans for college loans and c/c, you pay and pay and pay and pay and end up paying soooo much more back than the original amout the loan was for and the time frame of the payback takes years and that seems like forever.

In most cases paying on their terms is a personal choice. And if you went to college you ought to know that. That's why I'm curious if his friend is just sticking to their evil pay forever plan or if it's even worse and he's not allowed to pay more to just kill it.

Erik the Awful

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Aug 9, 2019
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Choctaw, OK
There are ways to set up loan terms so that they can never be paid back. Expecting teenagers to understand loan terms is laughable. Expecting someone to pay for their entire life - well past the break even point - because they were lied to when they signed the loan is criminal.


Truly Awesome
Aug 20, 2015
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There are ways to set up loan terms so that they can never be paid back. Expecting teenagers to understand loan terms is laughable. Expecting someone to pay for their entire life - well past the break even point - because they were lied to when they signed the loan is criminal.

As a teenager, I decided I didn't want to graduate with $80k-$100k in debt. I made the personal choice to not finish my degree at that cost. It became very clear to me very quickly that the longer I stayed in college, the deeper a hole I'd be digging. I asked myself how could I afford a house when I already had a house payment to breathe? I'm no genius, I just took 2 seconds to look at the numbers. My parents were illiterate when it came to this. This was my call entirely. I can only have so much sympathy.


OBS Enthusiast
May 6, 2023
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Thank you man I appreciate it, most people comment on how it’s a 2500 work truck and still looks pretty pristine. We painted the grille when we first bought it and changed the plug wires ourselves, but everything else we’ve taken it to the shop. Like I said I’m not mechanically inclined in the slightest and my dad hates working on cars and doesn’t know as much as he thinks he does, so it was easier for us to just run it to the shop and pay 3x the part cost in labor instead of messing up something trying to diy it. I honestly did consider making the truck a drag truck, but the price and everyone saying it wouldn’t work has killed that idea. I think it would be better off on the streets though as just something I can hop in and have fun and get looks in. It desperately needs a speed boost though. I would engine swap but it has a brand new 350 crate engine in it and it would feel like a waste it using it. If it can be built like everyone is saying it sounds pretty straightforward to get it to make more power. It has the 4l80 trans, but it’s so old and used it has to be replaced so either way it doesn’t really matter. Which was also something else I was thinking about. Can you put a modern day 6 speed Gm trans in it, or would it have to be a built 4l80 going back into it?
The same thinking applies, you can do anything with enough money. The short answer is, definitely not easily or cheap. The 4L80 is a solid transmission and can handle decent power. You may not even need to build it, if all you are doing is cams and other bolt-ons such as exhaust. And you will get decent power out of it. I am pretty sure GM made a supercharger for it these engines, that's always the easiest way to make power...and not super expensive, since it doesn't need custom work. But you may need to rebuild the trans if it's worn and you are putting more power thorough it.
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OBS Enthusiast
May 6, 2023
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That's some BS, I had student loans and I paid them off. Sure they're evil as all get out because they'll let you dig yourself into a bottomless pit, but at the end of the day it's a loan that you CAN pay back. Not sure what your buddy's deal is. I paid a big chunk with our first time home buyer's tax credit and the rest when I was deployed. I won't go back down that path and I'm going to drill into my kids how evil they are too, but in my experience there was nothing difficult about paying them off on MY terms. Follow their silly payment plan and yeah, you'll probably never pay them off.
I agree, with some caveats. Back in the day when I was in college, I lived at home, worked, and paid for my education out of pocket. But back then, it was significantly less expensive (2003 or so). I took out loans for graduate school (only the subsidized federal loans), but I worked, paid my living expenses, and saved up enough to pay the loans off 6 months after graduation, paying zero in interest. Medical school was a whole 'nother matter. I couldn't work, and everything had to be paid by loans. But certainly well worth it in the end, even though all said and done, school and residency, my loans were more than most people's mortgages. Back when I was a resident physician, you got paid enough for living expenses, and not much more. And you make no money while in med school. For me, it was 9 years of 8% federal loan interest.

So my overall point is that college is a means to an end. Many kids today go to college to party, stay an extra year, and graduate with a worthless piece of paper and $200k in debt. No marketable skills or earning potential to show for it. If you are smart, go into a field that pays well, or a stepping stone to a field that pays well, I wouldn't worry about loans.


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Jan 14, 2018
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The Seasonally Frozen Wastelands
Expecting teenagers to understand loan terms is laughable. Expecting someone to pay for their entire life - well past the break even point - because they were lied to when they signed the loan is criminal.
How could kids possibly understand loan terms when we've got Educators who claim that Math is inherently racist?

It's bad enough that the kids are not taught--and therefore do not learn--what they NEED. Worse, they're taught--and do learn--pablum from the mental-illness side of the room.

I decided I didn't want to graduate with $80k-$100k in debt.

I made the personal choice to not finish my degree at that cost. It became very clear to me very quickly that the longer I stayed in college, the deeper a hole I'd be digging. I asked myself how could I afford a house when I already had a house payment to breathe? I'm no genius, I just took 2 seconds to look at the numbers. My parents were illiterate when it came to this. This was my call entirely. I can only have so much sympathy.
Mine were not, and I made the assumption that other kids got the "BEING IN DEBT IS SLAVERY" drilled into them as well.

Then I watched them make horrible decisions about loans for cars, motorcycles, "Lifestyle" accessories; and saw them become miserable as the "new" wore off...which meant they had to buy something else.


I'm Awesome
Sep 9, 2023
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Every dime you put into a toy vehicle, is another dime you'll have to pay interest on for your student loans.

You need to re-think your priorities. Student loans are supposedly causing substantial heartache and emotional and economic distress to people who thought College was their ticket to a decent lifestyle.

Obviously our "President-in-name-only" thinks that he could buy votes by putting Student Loans back onto the Taxpayer instead of the folks who agreed to pay them to begin with.

Be aware that the usual path is to take on a Significant Other sometime during or post-College, and that derails everything thereafter. Your hobbies become whatever she allows you to do, AFTER you've satisfied HER priorities.

Keep in mind that your truck was built by GM with a "cold-air intake"; all you have to do is not screw that up with aftermarket crap.

The "602" IMCA "Sealed" crate engine? Part number

88869602 ?​

A very mild "crate engine" special only because it's got a circle-track oil pan, circle-track crankcase ventilation, and a handful of "special" bolts that can't be unscrewed easily, so that Tech Inspectors can look at those bolts and know that the engine hasn't been "tampered with"--you know, bigger cam, more compression, ported, lightweight crankshaft, etc.


"700" horsepower would be DOUBLE what it's rated for.

(And that's only if it was assembled properly. I've heard of those "sealed" engines being put together with the timing set installed one tooth "off".)
1. Truck is verr nice. 2. Schurkey just dropped a 500 megaton truth bomb in terms of what the next few years hold in store. 3. Also, once you are married, the yliq(young lady in question) will want to generate a munchkin(or 2 or god help u 3 or 4). 4. Getting yourself established and planning your next couple of moves is critical. 5.You are asking a bunch of good questions imho. 6.Lot of knowledge and hard won wisdom that people paid cash for here, take advantage of it as it lowers the price tag on gaining the experience.


Jul 26, 2024
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1. Truck is verr nice. 2. Schurkey just dropped a 500 megaton truth bomb in terms of what the next few years hold in store. 3. Also, once you are married, the yliq(young lady in question) will want to generate a munchkin(or 2 or god help u 3 or 4). 4. Getting yourself established and planning your next couple of moves is critical. 5.You are asking a bunch of good questions imho. 6.Lot of knowledge and hard won wisdom that people paid cash for here, take advantage of it as it lowers the price tag on gaining the experience.
Appreciate it. I honestly don’t know if I’m gonna get married fresh outta college, we’ll just have to wait and see what’s in store. I’ve always been cautious about forums, mainly because people can’t agree on a lot of things, especially with cars. 2 good examples of this 1 When I was looking into if redoing the exhaust would make more power, some people were saying anywhere from 5- maybe 10 depending on what all is done, and some people saying an exhaust won’t do anything to add power. Same things with intakes, some people say cold air intakes are scams and to get a ram instead, some say they’re a genuine mod. 2 when I first was researching the truck some dude on a random forum post said that the 350 ohv vortec was a dohc, which doesn’t make sense if you think about it for more than 5 seconds. But this forum seems pretty consistent, most people are saying the same thing which is usually a good sign.


I'm Awesome
Sep 9, 2023
Reaction score
Appreciate it. I honestly don’t know if I’m gonna get married fresh outta college, we’ll just have to wait and see what’s in store. I’ve always been cautious about forums, mainly because people can’t agree on a lot of things, especially with cars. 2 good examples of this 1 When I was looking into if redoing the exhaust would make more power, some people were saying anywhere from 5- maybe 10 depending on what all is done, and some people saying an exhaust won’t do anything to add power. Same things with intakes, some people say cold air intakes are scams and to get a ram instead, some say they’re a genuine mod. 2 when I first was researching the truck some dude on a random forum post said that the 350 ohv vortec was a dohc, which doesn’t make sense if you think about it for more than 5 seconds. But this forum seems pretty consistent, most people are saying the same thing which is usually a good sign.
Lot of good (sometimes crusty) dudes on here. :)