Forum growing

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92g-94c frank'n (truburban) K-2500
Apr 22, 2020
Reaction score
las cruces new mexico
She's from Texas, so I gotta go with @HotWheelsBurban.
I do not know how any one could pick against our Queen for life our member of the year for the last few days of 2023 and all of 2024 a totm winner a toty winner and hopefully will be a 2 time totm winner and a 2 time toty winner I have never been the type of person that says if you are not on my team you suck but I will make my one and only exception here I have no idea what so ever how any one could not be on or support team HWM so if you are not on or support team HWB you know the rest .... I have seen and read it many times I know it dose not need to be repeated again but I want to it goes without saying that @HotWheelsBurban is every ones favorite member we all like her we all think very highly of her and we all support her

now for a PSA to any newbies that may see this I have some advice for you please do not make a post asking who a member is and why do they do what ever they do if you have a question about/for them pm them directly you may or may not get a reply and if you do get a reply you may not like it imho it is kind of rude/a d!ck move to ask some one who they are on a forum I know it is just as rude but if some one asked me that I would tell them in a pm I am who I am and I do what I do and that is nun-ya bees wax what is really bad imho if you are curious about a member and you want to know some thing and you have members asking weird/rude questions it makes it uncomfortable/awkward when you have a question about said member that is being put on the spot so to speak by another member PSA over
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Even more awesome in person
Sep 28, 2013
Reaction score
Houston TX
I suppose facebook groups cater to younger people that didn't "grow up" using web forums, or the BBS's that predated them, or usenet which predated BBS's. I don't like facebook groups because without threaded discussion it's very hard to keep up with any ongoing topics, and their search feature has remained horrible even to this day - nearly unusable. It's perfect for the ADHD crowd.

There's a few groups related to GMT400's (and one for GMT455's too) that occasionally I'll throw a link to a helpful forum post. Just today I chucked one in the GMT455 group for the fuel gauge fix a member here posted. I'd like to think that in some small way it may contribute to introducing a new audience to forums.



Aug 14, 2024
Reaction score
I can personally attest to the above. I've been using the internet since the mid '90s,
purely read-only, and was never inclined to actually join an auto-related forum, mostly
due to the poor signal/noise ratio observed in most places.

But after that chore truck followed me home and I was scouring the interwebs, this
place kept standing out as where the truly experienced/talented ones were in evidence.

And more importantly, this place had the 'feel' of both my favorite civilian and military
work environments: more focus on shared success, and less on pecking order BS.

So glad I joined the party already in progress. Wish I hadn't waited as long as I did.

Sincere thanks to everyone who contributed/contributes to one of the best forums anywhere.

Cheers --
S/N ratio! Great insight that!