Daily truck pics

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Gotta have 4 doors..... Rawhide, TOTY 2023!
Sep 18, 2019
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
Picked this up at the toy show today, traded my buddy that I went with some cars for it. I only have this one, but I am actively looking for these now that I know they exist. Hopefully as Christmas items hit the floor in the local stores I can catch a few.....cause this looks like so many trucks on here (minus the coke bottle and graphics lol).


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Unashamed 400 addict. Best. Trucks. Ever.
Sep 4, 2020
Reaction score
Ft. Worth, Texas
So, got. A call from my Grandma a couple days ago to come pick up my Grandad's '02 1500HD that I've mentioned a couple times in the past. My mother finally returned the truck after being told repeatedly to do so for nearly a year. My Grandma wants to sell it, and although I don't want to, I can't come up with a good reason to keep it other than it's sentimental to me.

Long story short, my mother basically drove it into the ground, and returned it running rough as all hell. Grandma wanted me to diagnose and fix it so that it runs properly when sold. Been tinkering on her the last couple days, and as of today got her running smooth as silk again. The "premium quality" Bosch wires that I installed several years ago just crumbled and came apart all over the place when I removed them to get to the plugs. Now has AC Delco wires and NGK iridium plugs and runs like she's supposed to. Last thing on the list is a new radiator, as there's a slight leak in the driver's end tank.

Overall she's in pretty good shape, just rolled 150k today on the shakedown run for the plugs and wires.


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Gotta have 4 doors..... Rawhide, TOTY 2023!
Sep 18, 2019
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
I live in the Houston area too. Does your job require you to drive all over the area? You've covered a lot of ground in the process of contributing all these pictures. Keep posting, and thanks for all the pics.
We used to have a route that went to the east side twice a week. Don't have that one any more; not seeing as many 400s and other nice rides is about all I miss from not having it. When gas was at its highest, we were effectively paying to go to work....
Since I'm not driving the truck I can be watching for cool vehicles (and to be honest in H Town you really need to have everyone in the vehicle watching the road!). I actually see a lot of trucks and cool cars that I don't get pictures of; by the time I see it, get the phone out and open the camera,the good shot has passed.


I don’t know what I’m doing
Supporting Member
Aug 20, 2022
Reaction score
East Texas
Picked up my Tahoe from my dad, she needs a bath but glad both my girls are home :p :boti: (I think I finally have my dad converted over from being lifelong ford guy. He’s had 16 f series trucks!!)
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