More Tbi fuel pressure..1993 5.7....

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I'm Awesome
Apr 23, 2023
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Thinking about my low BLM..That's the long term fuel trim?
I watched a video talking about exhaust leaks and how they can create a lean condition where the computer will add fuel. But, because the extra air isn't from the combustion process, the vehicle will actually run rich.

Kinda hard to wrap my mind around this but, does this mean the blm will still read high? The computer doesn't know it's running rich? All it knows is how the O2 sensor is acting?
So I can rule out any exhaust leak with a low long term fuel trim number? Similar to just a vacuum leak? Even though it's actually running rich? Or I should say, it's subtracting fuel....
It's not subtracting fuel because of the exhaust leak... I've probably complicated my question....

The lt trim goes to normal when accelerating pretty decent...