Daily truck pics

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Gotta have 4 doors..... Rawhide, TOTY 2023!
Sep 18, 2019
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
Here's a couple from today, went across town to the NW suburbs to pick up some parts and get a couple of things I couldn't find in my area.
The Escalade was near Hempstead Road, looked pretty clean and had later model Chevy wheels on it. Unusual to see one that's not white or "silversand"....The old Chevy truck is being a sign for a cosmetic surgery clinic near West University Place, inside the Loop.


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I'm Awesome
Jun 27, 2021
Reaction score
Jax Beach, FL
Here's a couple from today, went across town to the NW suburbs to pick up some parts and get a couple of things I couldn't find in my area.
The Escalade was near Hempstead Road, looked pretty clean and had later model Chevy wheels on it. Unusual to see one that's not white or "silversand"....The old Chevy truck is being a sign for a cosmetic surgery clinic near West University Place, inside the Loop.

You’re right don’t see black often. That angle and color looks a lot like the gmt900 suburban. Never had that thought before that picture

Cherry old 2-door Tahoe; had to stop by my NAPA and this was in the parking lot. Asked the lady what year it was and she said either a 92 or 93, it's one of her husband's trucks.

Nice I had a black 98 2 door Tahoe when I was in highschool/college in 06-09. It was my older brothers first truck before I bought it/fixed it up after he went off to college. Then my little brother inherited it when I bought a Tacoma back when gas prices were nuts and a lifted Tahoe on 36’s with 4.56 gears wasn’t cutting it. Our Tahoe was awesome I’ll have to find some old pictures of it. Our littlest brother was the only one who didn’t get it as his first truck. He bought an 01 Tahoe and still drives it today.

Weren’t these still called a blazer though until like what 94? Looks like it has the 94 and up grille tho so maybe it’s actually a tahoe