Paycheck again at 71?

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I'm Awesome
Jul 6, 2019
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Accepted. I understand that ultimately I have to look out for me, but I'm cooperative. I believe in leadership and followership, but I think most people don't understand either skill.
Yep. But you need to look out for you first.
And you do that not only by learning your trade but by doing your own homework in order to understand the potential dangers.
Watch some OSHA videos and some catastrophic failure engineering videos.
These days OSHA videos are cartoon re-inactments.
Back in the day when you took an OSHA course it was live footage.
I think the computer re- inactments are a joke designed to make sure nobody gets offended.
And I also think that industry and businesses and lawyers are behind that transition to cartoons.
There is a computer generated version of a man who fell into a steel rolling mill back in the 90s. It does not hit the same as watching the film of what happened to him.
There is an OSHA cartoon about a guy who got electrocuted while standing in bilge water in a barge.
Watching the tape of that guy getting electrucuted is an entirely different reaction.
The people who get life altering injuries or die on the job are either young apprentices or journeymen in their mid to late 40s.
And the journeymen often times take out their apprentices when they make that one mistake.
That is how the Swiss Cheese theory works.
It is never one thing. It is always a series of seemingly disconnected events.
I did not know **** all about structural steel when I took the job.
My background was in precision quality control.
I was hired to fix the in house problems and to get them qualified to bid military contracts.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch.
The concrete guy had excluded supporting green walls.
And the GM had let them get away with it and not picked it up as part of their scope of work.
So, about 3 years later.
I have a couple of hundred of my people working on the 100 level on a really high wind day.
This thank god happened right after lunch time.
The stadium bowl was open to the south because they hadnt put the big moniter in yet.
But they had enclosed the north end "Screen Wall"
About a 50 mph or so gust blew through both ends of that open "Horseshoe" shape and backpressured those green unsurported cmu walls and blew out a 40 foot tall 280 foot long cmu wall and dropped it about 180 feet right on top of where my freinds were working.
The north 200 level CMU wall blew out and dropped through the sructure onto the 100 level and then onto the field level.
I was at the south end looking out of one the tunnels when it dropped and I have never run so fast or far in my life.
I dont know what I thought I could do standing at the 50 yard line but I was sure as **** that I had killed people.
And I damn near did.
I put my crew under unsurported green walls in a wind storm because I didnt know what the **** I was doing.
Lunch saved those guys.


I'm Awesome
Jul 6, 2019
Reaction score
Yup. Unions have to cull their bad workers. I saw my union push management to fire a person, and assured the company they would back the firing. The worker was turning out poor work, and counseling wasn't improving her performance. The firing went down smooth as butter, and both the union and the company were better for it.

Since that time I've wondered why temp agencies don't work more like unions and why unions don't work more like temp agencies. Unfortunately, I know that temp agencies only exist because management controls them, and unions are fighting for survival because management can't control them.
Those fully vested old farts do not give a **** about you.
but if you have that desire and you want to change the world and you are not afraid of being a humble man.
If you understand that you cant do such an epic thing on your own..
Then you realize that an epic thing doesnt matter at all.
That is just jerking off.
The project doesnt matter your name on a bronze plaque doesnt matter at all.
I am very proud of my life in construction.
My pride doesnt come from builders plaques or awards or friggen having to stutter speech in front of crowds while every office wimp stroked themselves about how they got it done.
I have been fired about 5 or 6 times and I have told them to **** off and walked out many many times.
You have a choice. for good or for bad.
You will pay a price
Fuckem all.
You go figure it out on your own.
The key to life is knowing that it is short and life will ******* fly past you while you are spending your time worrying about some other person and ignoring yourself.
Go do every crazy thing you ever thought about doing.
Go see the world.
I think that us gen x people somehow ****** up and left our children with a sense of fear and maybe that is an attempt to make our kids more seriuos about life than we were.
And we sucked all of the fun right the **** out of them.
But anyone of my age will understand how ******* horrible that time was.
A viral disease was running through americans and the united states government did ******* nothing .
Not a one of you ***** ever got in bed a held your best freind while he died.
**** off.


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Dec 20, 2023
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I want to run a shop again, the way I know will work and not a cookie cutter way. That is one reason I never worked for a tire store or dealer. You are just a number.

I want to stay busy and have no problem working enough hours but at the 11 to 11.5 hours and even at $60k a year, that is less than $25 an hour and I am not going to do that. The shop rate is $160 an hour and it is busy and would be busier.

I wish I could stay busier at my home. I do ok but if I had a one bay lift shop, I would be a happy man.

Sean Buick 76

I'm Awesome
Jan 6, 2024
Reaction score
Edmonton Alberta
Yep. But you need to look out for you first.
And you do that not only by learning your trade but by doing your own homework in order to understand the potential dangers.
Watch some OSHA videos and some catastrophic failure engineering videos.
These days OSHA videos are cartoon re-inactments.
Back in the day when you took an OSHA course it was live footage.
I think the computer re- inactments are a joke designed to make sure nobody gets offended.
And I also think that industry and businesses and lawyers are behind that transition to cartoons.
There is a computer generated version of a man who fell into a steel rolling mill back in the 90s. It does not hit the same as watching the film of what happened to him.
There is an OSHA cartoon about a guy who got electrocuted while standing in bilge water in a barge.
Watching the tape of that guy getting electrucuted is an entirely different reaction.
The people who get life altering injuries or die on the job are either young apprentices or journeymen in their mid to late 40s.
And the journeymen often times take out their apprentices when they make that one mistake.
That is how the Swiss Cheese theory works.
It is never one thing. It is always a series of seemingly disconnected events.
I did not know **** all about structural steel when I took the job.
My background was in precision quality control.
I was hired to fix the in house problems and to get them qualified to bid military contracts.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch.
The concrete guy had excluded supporting green walls.
And the GM had let them get away with it and not picked it up as part of their scope of work.
So, about 3 years later.
I have a couple of hundred of my people working on the 100 level on a really high wind day.
This thank god happened right after lunch time.
The stadium bowl was open to the south because they hadnt put the big moniter in yet.
But they had enclosed the north end "Screen Wall"
About a 50 mph or so gust blew through both ends of that open "Horseshoe" shape and backpressured those green unsurported cmu walls and blew out a 40 foot tall 280 foot long cmu wall and dropped it about 180 feet right on top of where my freinds were working.
The north 200 level CMU wall blew out and dropped through the sructure onto the 100 level and then onto the field level.
I was at the south end looking out of one the tunnels when it dropped and I have never run so fast or far in my life.
I dont know what I thought I could do standing at the 50 yard line but I was sure as **** that I had killed people.
And I damn near did.
I put my crew under unsurported green walls in a wind storm because I didnt know what the **** I was doing.
Lunch saved those guys.
I really respect the safety culture you have!!! I’m a professional safety guy for big oil, but I’ve done most of the jobs I oversee so I get it. Keep up the safe supervision!

Sean Buick 76

I'm Awesome
Jan 6, 2024
Reaction score
Edmonton Alberta
I want to run a shop again, the way I know will work and not a cookie cutter way. That is one reason I never worked for a tire store or dealer. You are just a number.

I want to stay busy and have no problem working enough hours but at the 11 to 11.5 hours and even at $60k a year, that is less than $25 an hour and I am not going to do that. The shop rate is $160 an hour and it is busy and would be busier.

I wish I could stay busier at my home. I do ok but if I had a one bay lift shop, I would be a happy man.

Well that’s what you need! Setup an old 4 post in the back yard with a tarp for rainy days then you can stay inside and wait till it’s nice out! You get full sun light this way, and being a rental house you can move the 4 post when you move eventually. I once had a 4 post in the backyard on a 20 foot long by 10 foot wide wooden swamp Matt! Called a tow truck to drag the whole mess onto the back to take to my new rental place! Was 16 back then!

FYI you can even LEASE a lift and buy it out at the end. I was building credit for my corporation and I leased a bunch of stuff including the lift to build the credit report. I think it was $3500 total cost and $200 a month with a $50 buy out at the end of the lease and I could build credit each month for my new corporation. By the time the lease was up I was able to pay the $50 buy out and had good enough credit to get a 100,000 line of credit so I could hire some employees and foot the payroll.

Erik the Awful

Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Aug 9, 2019
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Choctaw, OK
Those fully vested old farts do not give a **** about you.
We had an excellent local president who absolutely cared. He was phenomenal, but after a few years he turned down his nomination to let leadership change hands. The moron who took his place wanted all the perks and none of the responsibility. The company lost the government contract to a low-bidder. The low-bidder company threatened the union, and the union president completely rolled over for them. The new company was a complete $#!+ show. The union had them over a barrel, but the president was too stupid to realize it.


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Dec 20, 2023
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There is such a shortage of trained techs around here, ads in every jobs source you can think of, that if I chose to go back in a shop, I could get $100K to $125K a year.

Hell, I just cut the grass earlier and my back is hurting.