Recent content by movietvet

  1. movietvet

    14 Bolt Rear Bearing Slop

    A few of us said the diff gears sounded just fine.
  2. movietvet

    Favorite beer

    An American Legion friend of mine, that I used to drink with, has a full glass of water with him when he is drinking. I have stopped and will stay stopped. Can't teach an old dog new tricks.
  3. movietvet

    Favorite beer

    I quit drinking about 1.5 years ago. I feel better and weight stays off. I became a drinker in 1972 when I went in the service. The service teaches you to be a drinker. I drank for 50+ years and could really put it away. Beer or bourbon, did not matter. I have 2 coffee's in the morning and a...
  4. movietvet

    Favorite beer

    A single barrel, like Jim Beam used to be, is my preferred but then you get in to Devil's Cut and that is blended.
  5. movietvet

    Favorite beer

    Is it gonna be real whiskey or some of that blended crap I have seen Wa. people drink? It isn't any better here in Or. though. They wouldn't know the difference between whiskey and blended if it bit 'em in the ass.
  6. movietvet

    Cylinder 1 and 5 misfire

    First time I saw the "adaptors/spacers" was the 70's but had no idea how long they had been around before that. Yes, needs engine work if engine needs them. Perhaps the compression test will help pinpoint the problem. May need to do a dry and wet compression test.
  7. movietvet

    Cylinder 1 and 5 misfire

    It is a spacer to space the spark plug away from the cylinder hole and help with oil fouling plugs. It means that the plug in that hole has an oil foul problem.
  8. movietvet

    Paycheck again at 71?

  9. movietvet

    Paycheck again at 71?

  10. movietvet

    Paycheck again at 71?

  11. movietvet

    Paycheck again at 71?

  12. movietvet

    Paycheck again at 71?

  13. movietvet

    Paycheck again at 71?

  14. movietvet

    Paycheck again at 71?

  15. movietvet

    Paycheck again at 71?
