Recent content by Erik the Awful

  1. Erik the Awful

    I’m a DA…what maintenance have you screwed up?

    Me ten minutes ago, while mowing: "Why is the mower mowing so crappy?" Me five minutes ago, after shutting the mower down: "How did I install the middle blade upside down?"
  2. Erik the Awful

    Custom made shop tools

    We started putting bolt marking compound on the voltage adjustment on our generators because some of the crew chiefs would tweak the voltage instead of fixing the electrical problems on their planes. QA wouldn't allow us to padlock the doors. Mind you, the doors had to be opened with a flathead...
  3. Erik the Awful

    Gas Mileage

    I'll definitely throw some blame on D students. I worked with one who spent more time defending his job than doing his work. I tried to document on him to get him fired, but we were geographically separated in the building and I was on the way out the door to a better job. I absolutely believe...
  4. Erik the Awful

    how to wire compass/temp mirror

    There's a sensor on the radiator center support that you'll need.
  5. Erik the Awful

    Gas Mileage

    I've seen plenty of D students schmooze the boss and stay on, while B students get fired and A students leave after being the shop mule too long. When I see failure, I don't blame the C students, I blame management for not selling the mission and not being engaged to see what's actually going on.
  6. Erik the Awful

    Gas Mileage

    Firing the bottom 10% is not good management. It's lazy leadership and it's destructive. It encourages backstabbing and self-promotion over the mission. As an Air Reserve Technician (ART), my position was pretty secure. High-year tenure doesn't apply to ARTs, but when I deployed overseas I had...
  7. Erik the Awful

    Free to me GMC 2500

    You can buy permethrin and treat your clothes yourself. In the Air Force we actually got issued permethrin to treat our uniforms. It works.
  8. Erik the Awful

    Gas Mileage

    I absolutely was, until I joined the military. I was not succeeding in college because I had dreams, but no support. College was all about seeing if you were willing to swim through a mile of crap for the promise of a "real job". I joined the military and got better training. I went back to...
  9. Erik the Awful

    I love plastic engine parts!

    In my experience with 3D printing and metal inserts, that insert looks like hot garbage. A diamond cut insert might be good in a mold set process, but this insert's not. Those knurls are poorly defined. Epoxy is probably the fix I'd go with as well. When you install the plug, keep in mind that...
  10. Erik the Awful

    Smeding Performance 383 in a 97 C1500

    That cam has a very wide LSA for so much lift.
  11. Erik the Awful

    Custom made shop tools

    Many years ago the A/C broke in our hangar in early July. CE said they didn't have the budget to replace the A/C unit until the new fiscal year. We put MA-3D A/C units outside and ran them for three months, just to cool the offices down to the mid-80s. The fuel bill was three times what the new...
  12. Erik the Awful

    Custom made shop tools

    The Navy was that way when I worked GSE as a contractor. We had a mish-mash of equipment. We had four B-5 stands on order for years, and when they finally came in, there were 4 pallets of parts, mostly unusable, that they had scrounged from DRMO in Kadena. They got pissed that I ordered more $$...
  13. Erik the Awful

    Full-Page ads taking over forum???

    It sounds like you have a virus. I run Ubuntu, mostly because it's free, but also because any time a Linux virus is found, 10,000 nerds get pissed off and fix the vulnerability. Between Ubuntu, Firefox, and uBlock Origin, I haven't had a problem with malicious content in over a decade. I'm...
  14. Erik the Awful

    Gas Mileage

    As a rebuttal, I offer up side post batteries, JB3 brakes, cartridge door handles, flimsy door hinges, and daytime running lights.
  15. Erik the Awful

    '88 RCLB C3500 "Roscoe P. Coltrane"

    I'll sell you a 500" Cadillac powered Jaguar XJ6 if you're interested in helping clean some projects out. $2000, and it only needs some finishing. For $3000 I'll throw in a set of Corvette Grand Sport wheels, a spare 472, and I'll answer the phone when you have questions.